Source code for tangled.web.settings

from tangled.converters import as_meth_args
from tangled.settings import parse_settings, parse_settings_file, check_required

from .abcs import AAppSettings

def get_conversion_map():
    # Map of setting `key` => `converter`; `converter` can be any callable
    # that takes a single argument and returns a value. `converter` can also
    # be a string naming a builtin or converter from `tangled.converters`.
    return {
        'debug': 'bool',
        'debug.pdb': 'bool',
        'factory': 'object',
        '': 'bool',
        '': 'bool',
        '': 'bool',
        '': 'object',
        '': 'object',
        '': 'list',
        '': 'list',
        '': 'bool',
        '': 'list_of_objects',
        '': 'object',
        '': 'object',
        '': 'object',
        '': 'object',
        '': 'tuple',
        '': 'bool',
        '': 'tuple',

[docs]def make_app_settings(settings, conversion_map={}, defaults={}, required=(), prefix=None, strip_prefix=True, parse=True, section='app', **extra_settings): """Create a properly initialized application settings dict. In simple cases, you don't need to call this directly--you can just pass a settings file name or a plain dict to :class:``, and this will be called for you. If you need to do custom parsing (e.g., if your app has custom settings), you can call this function with a conversion map, defaults, &c. It's a wrapper around :func:`.parse_settings` that adds a bit of extra functionality: - A file name can be passed instead of a settings dict, in which case the settings will be extracted from the specified ``section`` of that file. - Core tangled.web defaults are *always* added because :class:`` assumes they are always set. - Settings parsing can be disabled by passing ``parse=False``. This only applies to *your* settings, including defaults and extra settings (*core* defaults are always parsed). - Extra settings can be passed as keyword args; they will override all other settings, and they will be parsed (or not) along with other settings. - Required settings are checked for after all the settings are merged. In really special cases you can create a subclass of :class:`.AAppSettings` and then construct your settings dict by hand (eschewing the use of this function). """ app_settings = parse_settings_file( 'tangled.web:defaults.ini', conversion_map=get_conversion_map(), meta_settings=False) if isinstance(settings, str): settings = parse_settings_file(settings, section=section) settings.update(extra_settings) if parse: _conversion_map = get_conversion_map() _conversion_map.update(conversion_map) settings = parse_settings( settings, conversion_map=_conversion_map, defaults=defaults, prefix=prefix, strip_prefix=strip_prefix) else: app_settings.update(defaults) app_settings.update(settings) check_required(app_settings, required) return AppSettings(app_settings)
AppSettings = type('AppSettings', (dict,), {}) AAppSettings.register(AppSettings)