
Creating resources

class tangled.web.resource.resource.Resource(app, request, name=None, urlvars=None)[source]

Base resource class.

Usually, you will want to subclass Resource when creating your own resources. Doing so will ensure your resources are properly initialized.

Subclasses will automatically return a 405 Method Not Allowed response for unimplemented methods.

Subclasses also have url() and path() methods that generate URLs and paths to the “current resource”. E.g., in a template, you can do resource.path() to generate the application-relative path to the current resource. You can also pass in query parameters and alternate URL vars to generate URLs and paths based on the current resource.


Delete resource.


  • 204 if no body
  • 200 if body
  • 202 if accepted but not yet deleted

Get resource.


  • 200 body

Get resource metadata.


  • 204 no body (same headers as GET)

Get resource options.

By default, this will add an Allow header to the response that lists the methods implemented by the resource.


Update resource.


  • 200 (body)
  • 204 (no body)
  • 303 (instead of 204)

Create a new child resource.


  • If resource created and identifiable w/ URL:
    • 201 w/ body and Location header (for XHR?)
    • 303 w/ Location header (for browser?)
  • If resource not identifiable:
    • 200 if body
    • 204 if no body

Update resource or create if it doesn’t exist.


  • If new resource created, same as POST()
  • If updated:
    • 200 (body)
    • 204 (no body)
    • 303 (instead of 204)
path(urlvars=None, **kwargs)[source]

Generate an application-relative URL path for this resource.

You can pass urlvars, query, and/or fragment to generate a path based on this resource.

url(urlvars=None, **kwargs)[source]

Generate a fully qualified URL for this resource.

You can pass urlvars, query, and/or fragment to generate a URL based on this resource.

Configuring resources

class tangled.web.resource.config.config[source]

Decorator for configuring resources methods.

When used on a resource class, the class level configuration will be applied to all methods.


class MyResource:

    @config('text/html', template='my_resource.mako')
    def GET(self):

Example of defaults and overrides:

@config('*/*', status=303, response_attrs={'location': '/'})
class MyResource:

    @config('*/*', status=302)
    @config('text/html', status=None, response_attrs={})
    def GET(self):

Mounting Resources

Application.mount_resource(name, factory, path, methods=(), method_name=None, add_slash=False, _level=3)[source]

Mount a resource at the specified path.

Basic example:

app.mount_resource('home', 'mypackage.resources:Home', '/')

Specifying URL vars:

    'user', 'mypackage.resources:User', '/user/<id>')

A unique name for the mounted resource must be specified. This can be any string. It’s used when generating resource URLs via request.Request.resource_url().

A factory must also be specified. This can be any class or function that produces objects that implement the resource interface (typically a subclass of resource.resource.Resource). The factory may be passed as a string with the following format: package.module:factory.

The path is an application relative path that may or may not include URL vars.

A list of HTTP methods can be passed to constrain which methods the resource will respond to. By default, it’s assumed that a resource will respond to all methods. Note however that when subclassing resource.resource.Resource, unimplemented methods will return a 405 Method Not Allowed response, so it’s often unnecessary to specify the list of allowed methods here; this is mainly useful if you want to mount different resources at the same path for different methods.

If path ends with a slash or add_slash is True, requests to path without a trailing slash will be redirected to the path with a slash appended.

About URL vars:

The format of a URL var is <(converter)identifier:regex>. Angle brackets delimit URL vars. Only the identifier is required; it can be any valid Python identifier.

If a converter is specified, it can be a built-in name, the name of a converter in tangled.util.converters, or a package.module:callable path that points to a callable that accepts a single argument. URL vars found in a request path will be converted automatically.

The regex can be almost any regular expression. The exception is that < and > can’t be used. In practice, this means that named groups ((?P<name>regex)) can’t be used (which would be pointless anyway), nor can “look behinds”.

Mounting Subresources

Subresources can be mounted like this:

parent = app.mount_resource('parent', factory, '/parent')
parent.mount('child', 'child')

or like this:

with app.mount_resource('parent', factory, '/parent') as parent:
    parent.mount('child', 'child')

In either case, the subresource’s name will be prepended with its parent’s name plus a slash, and its path will be prepended with its parent’s path plus a slash. If no factory is specified, the parent’s factory will be used. methods will be propagated as well. method_name and add_slash are not propagated.

In the examples above, the child’s name would be parent/child and its path would be /parent/child.