Source code for tangled.web.request

import logging
import posixpath
from urllib.parse import quote, quote_plus, urlencode, urlparse

from webob import BaseRequest
from webob.exc import status_map, WSGIHTTPException

from tangled.decorators import cached_property

from .abcs import AHelpers, AMountedResource, ARequest, AResponse
from .exc import format_exc
from .resource.config import Config
from .static import RemoteDirectory

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

    'text/html': {
        'DELETE': 303,
        'GET': 200,
        'HEAD': 204,
        'OPTIONS': 200,
        'POST': 303,
        'PUT': 303,
    'application/json': {
        'DELETE': 204,   # No content
        'GET': 200,
        'HEAD': 204,
        'OPTIONS': 200,
        'POST': 201,     # Created
        'PUT': 204,


[docs]class Request(ARequest, BaseRequest): """Default request factory. Every request has a reference to its application context (i.e., ````). """ def __init__(self, environ, app, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(environ, *args, **kwargs) = app
[docs] def get_setting(self, *args, **kwargs): """Get an app setting. Simply delegates to :meth:``. """ return*args, **kwargs)
@cached_property def helpers(self): """Get helpers for this request. Returns a ``Helpers`` instance; all the helpers added via :meth:`` will be accessible as methods of this instance. """ helpers_factory = helpers ='helper', default={}, as_dict=True) return type('Helpers', (helpers_factory,), helpers)(, self) # Response related @cached_property('resource_config') def response(self): """Create the default response object for this request. The response is initialized with attributes set via ``@config``: ``status``, ``location``, and ``response_attrs``. If no status code was set via ``@config``, we try our best to set it to something sane here based on content type and method. If ``location`` is set but ``status`` isn't, the response's status is set to :const:`DEFAULT_REDIRECT_STATUS`. The location can also be set to one of the special values 'REFERER' or 'CAME_FROM'. The former redirects back to the refering page. The latter redirects to whatever is set in the ``came_from`` request parameter. TODO: Check origin of referer and came from. .. note:: See note in :meth:`resource_config`. """ info = self.resource_config args = {} args.update(info.response_attrs) if info.status: args['status'] = info.status else: if info.content_type in STATUS_MAP: content_type = info.content_type else: content_type = 'text/html' args['status'] = STATUS_MAP[content_type][self.method] if info.location: location = info.location if location == 'REFERER': location = self.referer elif location == 'CAME_FROM': location = self.params.get('came_from') location = location or self.make_url('/') log.debug('Came from: {}'.format(location)) else: url_info = urlparse(location) if url_info.netloc: if not url_info.scheme: location = '{0.scheme}{1}'.format(self, location) else: location = self.make_url(location) args['location'] = location if 'status' not in args: args['status'] = DEFAULT_REDIRECT_STATUS return**args)
[docs] def update_response(self, **kwargs): """Set multiple attributes on `request.response`.""" response = self.response for name, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(response, name, value)
@cached_property def response_content_type(self): """Get the content type to use for the response. This retrieves the content types the resource is configured to handle then selects the best match for the requested content type. If the resource isn't explicitly configured to handle any types or of there's no best match, the default content type will be used. .. note:: This can't be safely accessed until after the resource has been found and set for this request. """ app = resource = self.resource method = self.method resource_method = self.resource_method content_types = [] for content_type, quality in app.get_all('content_type'): args = (app, resource, method, content_type, resource_method) config_kwargs = Config.get_resource_args(*args) if config_kwargs: resource_config = Config.for_resource(*args) resource_quality = resource_config.quality quality = resource_quality if resource_quality is not None else quality content_types.append((content_type, quality)) if content_types: chosen_content_type = self.accept.best_match(content_types) else: chosen_content_type = None if not chosen_content_type: chosen_content_type = self.get_setting('default_content_type') return chosen_content_type @cached_property('response_content_type') def resource_config(self): """Get info for the resource associated with this request. .. note:: This can't be safely accessed until after the resource has been found and set for this request. """ return Config.for_resource(, self.resource, self.method, self.response_content_type, self.resource_method) # URL generators
[docs] def make_url(self, path, query=None, fragment=None, *, _fully_qualified=True): """Generate a URL. ``path`` should be application-relative (that is, it should *not* include SCRIPT_NAME). ``query`` can be a string, a dict, or a sequence. See :meth:`make_query_string` for details. If ``fragment`` is passed it will be quoted using :func:`urllib.parse.quote` with no "safe" characters (i.e., all special characters will be quoted). """ path = path.lstrip('/') if _fully_qualified: base = self.application_url else: base = self.script_name if not base.startswith('/'): base = '/' + base url = posixpath.join(base, path) if query is not None: url += self.make_query_string(query) if fragment is not None: url += '#' + quote(fragment.lstrip('#'), safe='') return url
def make_path(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.make_url(*args, _fully_qualified=False, **kwargs) def make_query_string(self, query, doseq=True, safe='&+=', encoding='utf-8', errors=None): """Convert ``query`` to a quoted query string. If ``query`` is not a string, :func:`urllib.parse.urlencode` will be called to convert it to a string (it can be a dict or sequence of two-element tuples). If ``query`` is a string, it should *not* already be quoted, with the exception of "&", "+", and "=" (i.e., the ``safe`` characters. Special characters in keys and values will be quoted via :func:`urllib.parse.quote_plus`. ``doseq`` is passed to ``urlencode``. ``safe``, ``encoding``, and ``errors`` are passed to both ``quote_plus`` and ``urlencode`` (the latter passes them on to the former). A query string with a "?" prepended will be returned. """ if query is None: return '?' elif isinstance(query, str): query = quote_plus( query.lstrip('?'), safe=safe, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) else: query = urlencode( query, doseq=doseq, safe=safe, encoding=encoding, errors=errors) return '?' + query
[docs] def resource_url(self, resource, urlvars=None, **kwargs): """Generate a URL for a resource.""" if isinstance(resource, str): name = resource else: name = mounted_resource =, name) path = mounted_resource.format_path(**(urlvars or {})) return self.make_url(path, **kwargs)
[docs] def resource_path(self, resource, urlvars=None, **kwargs): """Generate a URL path (with SCRIPT_NAME) for a resource.""" return self.resource_url( resource, urlvars, _fully_qualified=False, **kwargs)
[docs] def static_url(self, path, query=None, **kwargs): """Generate a static URL from ``path``. ``path`` should always be an application-relative path like '/static/images/logo.png'. SCRIPT_NAME will be prepended by :meth:`make_url`. """ prefix, rel_path = if prefix is None: raise ValueError( "Can't generate static URL for {}".format(path)) directory ='static_directory', prefix) if isinstance(directory, RemoteDirectory): # E.g., or # /var/www/ url = posixpath.join(directory.path, *rel_path) if query: url += self.make_query_string(query) else: # E.g., /static/images/logo.png url = self.make_url(path, query, **kwargs) return url
def static_path(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.static_url(*args, _fully_qualified=False, **kwargs) # Finished callbacks
[docs] def on_finished(self, callback, *args, **kwargs): """Add a finished callback. Callbacks must have the signature ``(app, response)``. They can also take additional positional and keyword args--``*args`` and ``**kwargs`` will be passed along to the ``callback``. Finished callbacks are always called regardless of whether an error occurred while processing the request. They are called just before the Tangled application returns to its caller. *All* finished callbacks will be called. If any of them raises an exception, a :class:`RequestFinishedException` will be raised and a "500 Internal Server Error" response will be returned in place of the original response. Raising instances of :class:`webob.exc.WSGIHTTPException` in finished callbacks is an error. The ``response`` object can be inspected to see if an error occurred while processing the request. If the ``response`` is ``None``, the request failed hard (i.e., there was an uncaught exception before the response could be created). This can be used as a decorator in the simple case where the ``callback`` doesn't take any additional args. """ self._finished_callbacks.append((callback, args, kwargs))
@cached_property def _finished_callbacks(self): return [] def _call_finished_callbacks(self, response): """Call finished callbacks in the order they were added. See :meth:`on_finished`. """ exceptions = [] for (callback, args, kwargs) in self._finished_callbacks: try: try: callback(, self, response, *args, **kwargs) except WSGIHTTPException as http_exc: raise ValueError( 'WSGIHTTPExceptions cannot be raised in finished ' 'callbacks ({})'.format(http_exc)) except Exception as exc: exceptions.append(exc) if exceptions: raise RequestFinishedException(*exceptions) # Miscellaneous
[docs] def abort(self, status_code, *args, **kwargs): """Abort the request by raising a WSGIHTTPException. This is a convenience so resource modules don't need to import exceptions from :mod:`webob.exc`. """ response_type = status_map[status_code] raise response_type(*args, **kwargs)
class RequestFinishedException(Exception): """Wrapper around exceptions raised in finished callbacks. See :meth:`Request._call_finished_callbacks`. """ def __init__(self, *exceptions): self.exceptions = exceptions super().__init__(*exceptions) def __str__(self): num_exceptions = len(self.exceptions) s = '' if num_exceptions == 1 else 's' message = [ '{} exception{} occurred in finished callbacks\n' .format(num_exceptions, s)] for i, exc in enumerate(self.exceptions, 1): message.append('{}. {}'.format(i, format_exc(exc))) return '\n'.join(message)